[정규표현식] \s 와 \s+, 그리고 \S 의 차이점

탱 'ㅅ' 2023. 9. 19. 16:03


The difference between \s and \S is that the former matches all the whitespace while the latter matches all nonwhitespace.


The addition of + says to the regex engine - “I want 1 or more of the previous symbol”

Matches involving + are said to be greedy and take as many characters as they can in a given match.


so \s+ says match if there’s one or more whitespace in a row, making the longest match you can each time.

and \S+ says match if there’s one or more nonwhitespace in a row, making the longest match you can each time.


\s would make two selections, both one whitespace character long
\s+ would make one selection that is two characters long





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